Video Production

Today videos are extremely useful not only for brand awareness but also to help salespeople connect and convert prospects. There are many different types of videos that can help with your marketing efforts, the first step is to know what type of video you would like: Demo Videos, Brand Videos, Event Videos, Educational/How-To Videos, Animated Videos, Live Videos, and the list goes on. We will help you:

  • Plan your video
  • Script your video
  • Set up your studio
  • Shoot
  • Organize your footage
  • Edit
  • Pick your music
  • Record your voice over


Get your company pictures done for your project needs, we will come to your set or bring you to your preferred studio. Our team of professionals will provide you with a refreshing and artistic approach to all your final edits.

Motion Graphics

We create an animated explainers to simplify your content and business needs and enhance customer experience.

Infographic and Visual Stories

DigiBrand will provide you with concept illustrations so you can tell your story. Visual expressions of your brand and messaging is what will resonate with your prospects and customers.
