We all want to generate leads from inbound traffic to our website, in order to do this you need people searching the web to find you. I want to take the time in this blog to provide you with 4 steps to help you climb up google search results. Capturing your search traffic required a lot of effort starting form building a robust strategy, effective implementation, and always staying up to date with the algorithm updates to make necessary strategy adjustments.

Figure Out the Word You Would Like to Compete For

What is your SEO strategy? Your strategy for keywords should start broad and with the help of various analytical tools you should narrow down the keyword that is best suited for your business and website to compete with. It is important to narrow both the competition and relevance to local and specific services.

Optimize Your Website for the Chosen Keywords

You need to make sure that your website is speaking to both google and your target audience. Ensure that every page is optimized with critical elements that helps google understand your page. Below is a list of elements that will help you describe to google who you are. Remember to make sure that each page on your website have the following elements:

  • Page title
  • Meta description
  • H1 & H2 Title Text
  • Alt Text – ensure your images have a title as well
  • Highlight your keyword in content – you can bold it.

Create and Implement an Ongoing Evolving Website Strategy

Never let your site get stale. Websites require ongoing maintenance by improving your content and growing your website relevant resources. Always keep your website fresh, up to date with growing and relevant content for your target audience. You need to create supporting content on your website and be sure to link them to your primary pages.

Execute Your Blog Strategy

Did you know that companies that blog get 55% more traffic and 70% more leads as a result? Every article you publish counts as a new page for you to promote socially and for google to continue to index your website. An effective blog strategy is one that builds topics and selects relevant keywords for each piece of content. Your topics should be selected based on what would interest your potential clients. Blogs should be brief and to the point, broken up with headings and images, similar to the way this blog looks like!