This is a question I get all the time. What will help me connect with my audience? And I like to answer that with another question: What can you do for your audience?

On DigiBrand’s About Page I included a quote that sums this up: “Content builds relationships. Relationships build trust. Trust drives revenue.” It’s an important storyline in any business: the sequence of relationships, trust, and revenue. In this post I’m going to break down some of the key strategies for bringing this story to life in your new business.

To be successful in any industry you need to earn trust from the people in it.  Those brand connections are what bring in your customers. When many businesses get started, they will encounter what I call  a “Trust barrier”. When people don’t know who you are or what you do they are naturally hesitant to do business with you. This type of barrier prevents companies from building the relationships they need to become successful in what they do. To overcome this barrier, brands need to learn how to develop trust from scratch.

Connecting to a brand, call it brand connections, brings in customers. You are probably asking, how do you do that? Its all about building your thought leadership and making meaningful contributions to various conversations happening in your industry. Content is they key solution to establishing your business as an authority figure in your field.

How To Build Trust

Create and Sell Your Story

The best way to communicate your strength is to tell a story. Great stories stand out from all the crowds of interruptive ads. When you put yourself out there with genuine story, you will begin to earn authentic trust from your target audience.

Leverage Your Strength

You must know your key value: that one thing that truly sets your company apart, and differentiates you from your competitors. Some people call it your unfair advantage, others call it your path of Must. In simplest terms, just keep on focusing on what you do best.

Be “Good”

Its not always about your business goals but what you give back and how you practice your goodness. Create positive change in your local community or even just one person. Make goodness apart of your identity and eventually this will become your story. When you establish a relationship based on trust this will come back to benefit you so don’t always be too concerned with immediate financial gain for your bottom line.

Understand what types of social posts encourage engagements

Social media will build your brand community, it’s a prime location to foster connected community. The catch here is that you must create the type of content that gets your audience to engage, share, and talk about your company. You need to know what type of content your audience engages in whether its sales offers, how to use a product, or entertainment, for example.

In summary, if you want your brand to connect with your target audience you must know how to engage and create a foundation of trust that will grow to reward you many times over.